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Bridge & Wolak's "Scandalous Romantics"

Thursday, January 8 2026 7:00PM


Michael Bridge (accordion) and Kornel Wolak (clarinet) are a globe-trotting musical duo who create life-affirming concerts full of beauty, virtuosity and humor. The two share a passion of fusing genres and a love of classical, jazz and world music, and their new show "Scandalous Romantics" is a hilarious "tabloid" take on the stories behind the most celebrated music stars across genres - and their spectacular lapses in judgement. Featuring songs like "Jealousy Tango," "I Will Always Love You," "Marriage of Figaro" and more, this show will entertain audiences everywhere!


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Postnet Logo in red
Paysonroundup logo, Tree with Roundup
Radio Station KMOG Logo in Red, next to cowboy boots

National, State & Regional Support

Az Commission on the Arts Logo, Red Banner
National Endowment for the Arts Logo


Sandy 928-472-2423

JIm 928-487-1232 

PO Box 1711  Payson, AZ 85547-1711

Payson HS, Longhorn Theatre

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